What is BRT?

General Questions

BRT provides faster service than traditional buses and is more in line with travel times by car. In addition, BRT offers better reliability, increased convenience, and enhanced amenities for riders. Other cities have found that BRT can revitalize a region through the economic development along the corridors on which it operates.

More than 40 cities in the US have BRT systems in operation, including nearby Columbus, Indianapolis, and Cleveland.

Some the key features of a BRT system include:

  • Dedicated bus lanes or busways to avoid mixed traffic congestion.
  • Same-level boarding platforms for easy and quick passenger loading, no stairs, lifts or ramps needed.
  • Off-board fare collection to speed up boarding.
  • Frequent and reliable service, often with buses arriving every few minutes.
  • Traffic signal priority to minimize delays at intersections.
  • Stations spaced further apart than traditional bus stops to improve speed and efficiency.

BRT systems offer several benefits compared to traditional bus services or other public transportation modes:

  • Faster and more reliable travel times for passengers.
  • Increased ridership and public transit usage as the system becomes more attractive to commuters.
  • Lower operating costs compared to light rail or heavy rail systems.
  • Flexible routing and capacity adjustments to meet changing demand.
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved environmental sustainability.
  • Encouraging economic development and revitalization along the BRT corridor.

Metro BRT FAQs

At the conclusion of the 2022 BRT study, the Hamilton Avenue and Reading Road corridors clearly stood out as the best opportunity to successfully launch BRT in Cincinnati and build a strong foundation for additional BRT corridors in the future.

The Glenway Avenue and Montgomery Road corridors are designated as Enhanced Corridors and will receive upgraded services.

Yes! Public input was a critical element in the original study and will continue to play an integral role as BRT service comes to life. We’ll need your help to finalize things like station and bus features, the name and look of our BRT service, and more.

The Metro team is working hard to minimize any effects construction and operations might have on parking. Potential options include replacing parking spaces in kind and working to limit BRT parking, so spaces are left open for other needs. We’ve assembled a BRT Stakeholder Advisory Group of representatives from each of the BRT communities and will work with them to find solutions. We also want to hear from you! Watch for the Metro team in your community as the project develops and tell us your thoughts.

Final design is expected to be complete in January 2026, with construction set to begin later that year.

Reading Road BRT service is expected to begin in the fall of 2027. Hamilton Avenue BRT service will begin in the summer of 2028.

Concepts for naming and logo are underway, and we’re looking forward to your input on these decisions. Watch for opportunities to participate.

Rider Experience

BRT buses are comfortable and provide reliable service. You’ll get to work or other destinations more quickly, because the bus can take advantage of BRT-designated lanes and smart signals to reduce stops.

The buses will offer same-level boarding, with no need to step up or down or use lifts, making access easier for all. On-board bike storage is available inside the bus.

Metro is evaluating fare cost.

Fares will be purchased at the bus stations, before boarding. This will allow for quicker on and off movement for riders and cut down on overall travel time.

The station design will emphasize safety and comfort. You’ll find enhanced lighting, comfortable seating and Wi-Fi. BRT station design is being evaluated and there will be opportunity for you to provide input at public meetings and via surveys.