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MetroRapid Vehicle Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

  1. E - Same level boarding makes it easy for people with bicycles, wheelchairs, scooters, strollers, and more to get on the vehicle.
  2. C - More than 40 cities have Bus Rapid Transit services.
  3. A - When launched, MetroRapid will arrive every 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. D - The MetroRapid vehicles will have 5 doors. The passenger side (right) of the vehicle will have 3 doors and the driver side (left) of the vehicle will have 2 doors.
  5. D - You can let the driver know that you would like to get off at the next station by pulling the cords, pushing the button on the grab bar or in the wheelchair area.
  6. C - The MetroRapid vehicle on display today has 46 seats.
  7. B - The MetroRapid vehicle on display today has 2 places where wheelchairs can be safely secured.
  8. C - The driver of the MetroRapid vehicle on display today can use 6 mirrors to see inside and outside of the vehicle.